September 21, 2019|
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So, you love the idea of horseback riding in Vieques but you have no horse-riding experience? Don’t sweat it.

While getting in the saddle for the first time can be a little nerve wracking, it’s not as difficult as you might think. It won’t take you long to get the hang of it and you’ll start to relax and enjoy the ride.

Here are some important tips from horseback riding experts to keep in mind for your first ride.

  • Approach Your Horse Carefully

“Be vocal when walking around horses, especially when approaching their backsides.” says Manuel Mulero, owner of Sailh’s Paradise – Horse Riding. “Horses that are dozing or feel threatened may kick out if startled. Never unexpectedly touch the backside of a horse that cannot see you.” Remember, a horse is a prey animal so when they feel threatened their instinct is to bolt.

How should you approach a horse? Since the horse’s eyes are on either side of its head, you should walk towards it slightly from the side. Walk towards its left shoulder (that’s the side it is used to being approached from), making sure that the horse sees you.

Speak calmly to reassure it, then hold your hands out to let it sniff your fingers. Then, reach out and gently stroke the horse on the shoulder. If you have a treat (such as a carrot or apple) to give to your new best friend, always hold your hand out flat to avoid getting your fingers nipped.

  • Don’t Forget to Breathe 

“My best advice for any rider, on any horse, in any situation, is to breathe.” says blogger and equestrian Anna Blake.

“When we are uncertain, our breathing becomes shallow and restricted, our body tenses, and that warns the horse to be nervous.” she explains.

Taking a few deep breaths will help both you and the horse to relax. “Breathing softens our body and literally cues the horse than everything is okay,” says Anna.

This is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do to make your horseback riding experience a little easier. (Also, Anna adds that smiling will help you to relax too.)

  • Pay Attention to Your Horse’s Ears –

Manuel also shared some great advice with me for knowing what your horse is thinking: just look at their ears. For example:

If they prick forward and focus in one direction, they might have spotted a deer or another type of animal further along the trail or in the trees.
If their ears go flat back, it’s typically because the horse behind them is tailing too close or trying to pass them.
If one ear is forward and one is back, most likely they are listening to you.

For a more in-depth read on horse body language and what it means, check out this long and comprehensive guide from Equus Magazine.

  • Don’t Ride Too Close –

Tailgating isn’t just a dangerous practice when you are driving, it is also something you should avoid when riding a horse. When the horses get too close together they can annoy each other and this can possibly cause the horses to get spooked.

“Leave one to two horse lengths between horses.” Pat Barriage of the Horse Industry Association of Alberta explains in her 40 Top Tips for Trail Riders. “Make sure you can always see the heels of the horse in front of you from between your horse’s ears.”

Be extra careful when an obstruction on the trail forces horses close together.

  • Listen to Your Trail Guides –

Courtney Marshallick, a former trail guide in Virginia and a horse blogger at, recommends listening carefully to your trail guides. “They know the horses and the area, and they will keep you safe.”

Before you embark on your ride, the guides at Sailh’s Paradise – Horse Riding will give you some instruction on how to control your horse and how to give it commands. Courtney explains that people enjoy horseback riding much more when they learn how to work with their horse and control it.

“There needs to be the understanding that horses are animals, not ATVs or bikes, and they need a confident leader to control them,” she says. “Otherwise you end up with the situations of horses stopping to eat with the rider as a helpless onlooker.”

Also, she adds that if your horse gets spooked it is important to know how to take charge of the situation. If you are ever unsure, just ask your Sailh’s Paradise – Horse Riding guide for assistance.

Interested in Riding a Horse? Call Us Today!

At Sailh’s Paradise – Horse Riding, we offer a wide variety of tours to fit any rider. From children and new beginners to seasoned riders, we have something for everyone. If you are interested in a family-friendly tour or learn to ride, contact Sailh’s Paradise – Horse Riding today. We offer Vieques horseback tours and more. Call us today or fill out our confidential contact form.

Category: Tours

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